pirate talk.

(Vest, blouse & bag – vintage; Jeans – Wrangler; Shoes – custom made)

The other day I tweeted a picture of what Vintage Sequin Heaven looks like and this little vest number is my own little piece of heaven that I simply had to have. Made in France of the softest velvet, lined with silk and hand embroidered with sequins and beads, I feel a little bit like Captain Jack Sparrow when I flap about in it. I look particularly pirate-y when I match it with this blouse, which I’m not so sure is such a good thing.

Anyway, comfort is key most of the time and I’d say this is a more honest representation of what I am likely to wear during the week when I’m working, if I’m not still in my pajamas. New stock hit the store the other day and there is still so much more on its way. So keep those peepers out. Yarr, me hearties!

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3 Responses to pirate talk.

  1. this vest is totally a little rad slice of heaven. vintage jackpot! x

  2. chow says:

    that vest is absolutely rad, you wear it so well!!

  3. Cat says:

    That lipstick is gorgeous. Brand/color?

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